Wednesday, December 14, 2011


In my last blog posting I wrote about my dad going to the hospital.  I wrote about sitting in the ER, him getting sick, and how that is a normal at this point in my life.  It's becoming normal as it has happened many times this year.  My dad has been the ER about 5 times, hospitalized three times.  The illnesses are becoming normal...the doctors, the ER, the hospitalizing...

My dad went to the ER on Thursday but was sent home.  My mom and I went to the coast for the weekend, the whole time both of us concerned for my father.  We were hesitant to go, but he, however, urged us to go as it would be the last get-away chance we would have together before I leave for London.  He would also have my sister and brother-in-law to help him if anything occurred, as they currently live under the same roof.

When we returned home, dad wasn't doing well.  In fact - he seemed worse.  I won't go into detail here on my blog, but it was all quite concerning.  The symptoms and signs were not good.  Seeing my reality in front of my eyes made my mind flashback to March.  I flashed back to his past illnesses when he almost died.  I flash back to when mom had to call the 911 hotline.  It was not a good feeling.  It was almost like living it all over again.

Sunday night, right after mom and I returned from the coast, dad chose to go back to the ER because he wasn't feeling right.  When he got there, they automatically hospitalized him as he came down with double pneumonia.  His oxygen levels were so low his doctor's were amazed he hadn't started turning blue.

Here we are.  Back in the ER, back in the hospital, back to our reality...all to what is becoming our "normal".  I'm still thinking that the hospital needs to buy some VIP recliner seats for each member of our family.

While all that is starting to become "normal", there are things that will never be normal.  The seriousness of some illnesses will never be normal.  Once the seriousness hits, it is a terrible and worrisome feeling.  Having my father almost die?  That will never be normal and it never gets easier.   It's not normal to be able to say, "Yeah, my dad almost died three times this year.  Each time from something different, but each time from a type of infection."  Living a life that inconstant in regards to his health?  Again, not normal.  When dad gets sick again (really bad kind of sick) and I start to have flashbacks and start reliving past experiences?  That may be normal...I'm not sure...But I know it doesn't feel good.  It doesn't feel like it's normal to have to experience any of the experiences and then to also relive them every time an illness occurs.

If you read my last blog entry (Normal to Feel Normal?), you may be asking, "How are you doing now?"  I've been better.  To summarize it...It's been a rough week for our whole household.  It's stressful, worrisome, and tiring.  We thought we were though the worst of the year, hoping and praying things were looking up, and here we are...right back to the starting point of our rough year.  (Maybe it'll end where is started??)

Dad is still in the hospital.  Yesterday my mom said, "He is still in the woods, but the trees are thinning."  Today the trees have "thinned" even more.  The doctors have been running tests and are impressed with his progress.  It feels good to know he is hiking out of the woods and I pray that dad continues to do so.  Thank you for praying with us and for us.  Please keep the prayer coming our way.

The Travelin' Chick,

PS: If you missed my Facebook status update yesterday, I have made decision.  I've decided and realized why my family is in the hospital so much this year.  My theory?  I must be destined to meet and marry a good-lookin', kind, and single doctor.  We just barely keep missing one another in our paths...Not that being a doctor is a must for my future husband...but this theory...It's possible, right?? Although, I think it would just be easier to join a dating site and require only doctor's to respond to my profile.  It would save a lot of heart aches, fear, energy, time, and money.  Ha ha ha...Kidding.  ;-)

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